Prayer for the Gift of a Soulmate

God desires for us to care for one another. It is His blessings and favor that affords us soulmates – those who are knit to our souls to strengthen and show us unconditional love. ? Meditate on these verses with this prayer: Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue...

Pray this Prayer for a Godly Husband

God has heard your prayers for a husband. And whether His answer is yes, no or not yet, we know that He is able to fill our hearts with love and our lives with joy. Meditate on these verses with this prayer: He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor...

Prayer to Heal a Broken Heart

Does God care that your heart has been broken? I declare the answer is a resounding yes! God cares and He is able to heal you and prepare you to forgive and love again. Meditate on these verses with this prayer: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we ...