Prayer to Cast Down Idols

God deserves our unmitigated attention and our best praise. So I pray that you don’t give anything more focus than you are giving to the Lord. Meditate on these verses with this prayer: “you shall have no other gods before me. “you shall not make for yourself a carved...

Prayer Meditation on Courage | Joshua 1

Courage is a decision to refuse to let what you see determine your outcome. Our God is always able to provide. Meditate on these verses with this prayer: ‘After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord , the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’...

Pray this Prayer for Financial Restoration

Everything that you have lost will return to you with a double portion. Meditate on these verses with this prayer: ‘After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. All his brothers and sisters and...

Pray this Election Day Prayer

No matter who sits in seats of power, our God is still in control. Lord let your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Meditate on these verses with this prayer: if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My...

Pray this Prayer to Release the Power in You

Every believer has the power and authority of Jesus because the Holy Spirit lives in us.  But what does that mean for us in our everyday lives? Meditate on these verses with this prayer: Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it...

Prayer Meditation Psalm 4

Choose Joy with Tisa podcast | Simple prayers for a complex world   Prayer Meditation Psalm 4| Choose Joy with Tisa | Daily Effective Prayers //Daily Effective Prayer – New Leaf Series ***Daily Prayers*** CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE...

Prayer this Prayer Before You Sleep

Choose Joy with Tisa podcast | Simple prayers for a complex world   Pray this Prayer to End Your Day | Choose Joy with Tisa | Daily Effective Prayers //Daily Effective Prayer – New Leaf Series ***Daily Prayers*** CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE...

Prayer to Celebrate Accomplishments

Choose Joy with Tisa podcast | Simple prayers for a complex world   Pray this Prayer of Celebration | Choose Joy with Tisa | Daily Effective Prayers //Daily Effective Prayer – New Leaf Series ***Daily Prayers*** CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE...

Pray this Prayer for More Faith

Choose Joy with Tisa podcast | Simple prayers for a complex world   Prayer for More Faith | Choose Joy with Tisa | Daily Effective Prayer //Daily Effective Prayer – New Leaf Series ***Daily Prayers*** CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE...